comes from the Sanskrit word "yui" which means to yoke, to bind together, to harness, to tighten. Therefore, yoga can be translated as "union" of body, mind and soul.
"Yoga can be described with many words but the one truth lies in the experience of the Self"
My yoga classes are based on Hatha Yoga and Yin practice. Together with breathing techniques (Pranayama), meditation (resting within yourself), sound and scent, my offering is formed. I have lived according to the principles of yoga for many years. My path led me to India. For me, yoga is more than a series of physical exercises. For me, yoga means living in the present moment, being mindful and at peace with yourself and the environment. For me, yoga is a suitcase of tools that help me lead a life "on and off the mat", in harmony with myself. When Atman (the soul) connects with Brahman (world soul), then we speak of yoga - the union.